15 reviews
Twitter: MtnDew32
Avg Rating 3.0
There's hardly a plot; cast is boring and script features dumb dialogue and scenes. At the very least, the action can be enjoyable at times.
It sure has a good cast and a lot of action, but everything else is weak. Definitely worth a check for fans of 80s movies.
Not as fun as the first, Clint Eastwood delivers an outstanding performance as 'Dirty Harry'. It's the longest of all five films but it's well worth a watch.
I have not read the book, though people say it's superior. The Lighting Thief has plenty of thrills, humor and didn't disappoint, even if I had low hopes for it. The cast was also excellent.
With so many years between this and the second, the series has changed, lost a lot of its humor and feels slower. However, it's still enjoyable.
One of the more enjoyable apocalypse movies, focusing a lot on religion and still containing some humor.
It does have its moments, but ultimately boring, pretty stupid and the humor is too crude.
Doesn't have much to offer besides some thrills, some laughs at how ridiculous the film is and Travolta being over the top crazy as always.
Besides a misleading title, there aren't many flaws in the rebirth of Jackie Chan's career. It does some things better than the original, but it's not as memorable and powerful.
It's aimed for kids, and they'll enjoy it, but kids are entertained with anything on a screen that moves anyway. Jackie Chan's age slows him down, the children are annoying and the villains are comedians rather than evil.
It's really well done, but it's nothing out of this world. The plot is nothing new but it cashed in for the CGI, the 3D glasses and its director. It's not bad, but not the best movie ever or best in 2009.
Extremely hilarious show with a fun cast. The latest season has been a downfall for the series, as well as maybe the fifth season. The first season was also terrible, but luckily short as the makers realized their mistakes.
Amusing to watch in the special effects, but all else is pretty ridiculous. The whole world is ending and the main characters seem as casual as ever worrying about their divorce and that car that they just crashed
Hilarious, start to finish with a unique plot (in a sense). One of the best comedies I've seen, and definitely the best one of 2009. A must-see, though it's not for everyone.
The film seems to focus way too much on Johny Depp, and Alice is just tossed aside. Too much CGI is used so that it distracts from the plot. It's forgettable but still enjoyable.
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