A fun thriller that takes a turn for the boring when it starts to believe its hype.
Great movie that left room for conversation. One drawback was a constant reminder of the premise, as if it was assumed the audience had a short memory. Beyond that, a very entertaining movie.
Doesn't meet the high standards of a B-movie but this comedy cloaked in gore is entertaining. One downer, Ron Jeremy has been in far too many movies to a) be such a bad actor and b) still get roles.
The released songs are definitely the most interesting on the album. The other songs lack originality but sets the mood of a mellow, laid back, ambiance that's never really lost. Certainly not an album that commands attention but likable sometimes.
An enjoyable comedy that has multiple instances where it fails to deliver the laugh you're expecting. Actors past films aside, the movie's fun with sporadic points of boring filler that last just long enough to realize you're uninterested.
Excellent slasher movie. I found myself less than satisfied with was some of the dialogue used. Excessive profanity reminded me the dialog was scripted. Beyond that, the important actors had an authenticity I miss in most movies.
While great at times, lacked the authenticity I expected. As if the actors were trying to live up to the original vs. making a good movie. It would grab my attention and lose it almost as quickly.
There were several climactic situations built over an array of scenes forcing you to draw your own parallels and, possibly intentionally, after a point was made, the movie would lull, as if to give the audience a chance to process everything.
All around good comedy. There were indications some of the storyline was compressed but it didn't take away from the presentation. As typecast as Michael Cera may have been, it was obvious he fit the part.
© 2009-2024 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
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October 21, 2011
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October 18, 2011
Search speed should be much faster now