13 reviews
Facebook: whataboutki
Twitter: whataboutki
Avg Rating 3.5
I thought this was the greatest in my youth. Then I saw Clerks.
I liked it.... not sure why but I did.
Everything that is wrong with music popular music today. If you play it enough times 12 year old girls will love it. There parents will buy it. And it will become #1 with no real musical tallent.
One of their best.
U2 at it's peak.
Heard all good things.... they lied.
Nice movie, but a bit choppy. The ending isn't the best either.
An epic tale of a boy and his pet robot!
Nice movie with love, comedy, despair and betrayal. Worth a rental.
Brilliant story that's well told and keeps the emotions flowing until the very end.
Blew my mind! A must see, pity they made the squeals.
Cult classic. Should be seen at least once. Otherwise you won't know what to do if someone urinates on your rug.
Horribly bad movie. A hero story without a hero. An action story with stupid over the top action that leaves you thinking "Hu? That's just stupid!" Not really sure who it's for?
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November 8, 2011
Youtube videos can be attached to reviews now. This should be particularly useful for video game reviews.
October 21, 2011
PSN accounts can be added via the settings page, same as Steam accounts. Browse page updated, reviewed or listed films have purple stars.
October 18, 2011
Search speed should be much faster now