Kiki's Delivery Service
In director Hayao Miyazaki's gentle, animated adventure, young witch Kiki (voiced by Kirsten Dunst) moves away from her family to practice her craft, but she finds that making friends in a new town is difficult. With her cat, Jiji (voiced by Phil Hartman), in tow, Kiki puts her broom-flying skills to work for a baker's wife by starting an express delivery service. She quickly discovers, however, that she can't take her abilities for granted.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Adventure, Animation, Anime, Children, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
My other favorite Miyazaki movie. :-) Absolutely adorable characters, not quite as fanciful as say Spirited Away, but this is deliberate, for characterization.
© 2009-2024 Anthony Stahler
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