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Alien: Resurrection
Sigourney Weaver and Winona Ryder star in the fourth installment of the Alien series. Two hundred years after Lt. Ripley (Weaver) died, a group of scientists clone her, hoping to breed the ultimate weapon. But the new Ripley is full of surprises … as are the new aliens. Ripley must team with a band of smugglers (including Ryder) to keep the creatures from reaching Earth. Includes the theatrical and extended cuts of the film.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Action, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
This film would have been a lot better if they cut the alien out of a lead block in the beginning, rather than the weird cloning plot. Alien 3 was a good conclusion to the Sigourney Weaver story line, and they should have left it at that.
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