Home > TV/Movies > Screamers: The Hunting
Screamers: The Hunting
In this sci-fi thriller based on a Philip K. Dick story, a team of rescuers from Earth responds to an SOS from an abandoned planet only to find a motley crew of human survivors eking out an existence there. But are these humans really human, or have the Screamers -- the robotic killers that destroyed the other human inhabitants -- simply morphed into human form to carry out an even more sinister mission? Lance Henriksen and Gina Holden co-star.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Book, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Gone are the intelligent characters and suspense - this attempt to transition into an action sci-fi is a miserable failure. It's full of face-palm moments and has none of the atmosphere that made the original Screamers interesting.
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