48 reviews
Facebook: Chris Scott
Twitter: kariyanine
Avg Rating 2.5
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The Civil War storyline is no fun to play, the camera control makes it hard to see enemies and the game has a wonky difficulty curve. All in all this sequel to the fan favorite Marvel: Ultimate Alliance is worse in nearly every way except graphics.
Train is a bleak film in the vein of Hostel and Turistas. It is derivative in nearly every single way until the film flips on its heel and turns on the crazy in the last act. Unfortunately it is just not worth watching up to that point.
A poorly put together action film that does just about everything wrong. It does however offer plenty of unintentional laughs due to the atrocious acting of pro wrestler Rob VanDam and just about everyone else in this film.
Catchy beats and sing-a-long lyrics make this an infectious dance pop album but it is also filled with a deeper and personal side of Perry not seen before. While there are a smattering of low points the album as whole is extraordinarily fun.
The concept for the film is great but the execution literally had me dozing off. How one makes a film about a cross country race where running over pedestrians garners you points is beyond me but somehow Death Race 2000 did.
The Wachowski Brothers' first film is a competent heist thriller that has some solid acting performances. Its attempts to be sexier than it actually is, sometimes collapsing under its own weight because of it but overall it is worth a watch.
Shattered Memories is not your traditional Silent Hill game and its the best in the series since Silent Hill 2 because of it. The game is completely engaging and a mind trip throughout. Simply put it is an excellent choice for horror game fans.
The Wild comes off as a Madagascar rip off with none of the humor, lower quality animation, unenthusiastic voice acting and a weaker story. Its not often I'll say that a Dreamworks production tops a Disney film but in this instance it is the case.
Wonderfully choreographed and brutally violent fight scenes are the showcase in this otherwise boring film about revenge in 15th century Thailand. Jaa is amazing, everything else is mediocre at best.
It took 10 people to write this film and it shows because there is no flow, its unfunny, and just plain boring. While the premise has potential, the film just doesn't follow that promise up with anything worthwhile and it is poorly animated.
I'm not even sure where to begin with this film. It is horribly acted, looks awful and plays like a less than mediocre B movie. Mick Jagger should stick to singing and Emilio Estevez should try to have this expunged from his record.
While it doesn't bring anything new to the LEGO series of action platforming games, adventuring as LEGO Indy again, this time with scenarios from all four films, is still a blast.
Director Mark Forster's tale about the creation of Peter Pan is magical. The direction and cinematography in Finding Neverland are fantastical but its Depp and Winslet performances that provide heart and propel the film to great heights.
Horror master Wes Craven delivers an entertaining, albeit slightly hokey, take on voodoo zombies. Its never particularly scary but the exploration of the religion and its permeation with Christianity through Haiti is worth a watch.
Supernova is B movie sci-fi, no more and no less. James Spader, Angela Basset and Peter Facinelli do fine with what they are given but honestly they aren't given much and it shows.
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November 8, 2011
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October 21, 2011
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October 18, 2011
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