116 reviews
Twitter: GamerSince85
Avg Rating 3.0
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More interesting weapons and interaction than the original Grand Theft Auto, but still top down and rather rough.
Top down 2D game with much the same goal as the more recent titles - cause chaos. Not a whole lot to it.
The character creation sequence is creepy and combat is painful compared to real FPS. It suffers from lack of direction after you leave the vault, much like the The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion series. The world is nicely detailed - but this can't rescue the game
Fun to play - the best hand-to-hand combat I've seen to date, and a decent story as well. Normal is well balanced, and Hard is definitely a good challenge for a serious gamer.
Touted as good hand-to-hand combat, I was rather disappointed with this game. The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay had far superior melee fighting - Zeno suffers from AI that can hit you from further away, throw things at you, and takes a lot of hits to kill. Frustrating
Extremely inaccurate guns - worse than Counter Strike: Source - which makes it nearly impossible to kill anything at range without several clips of ammo. At close range it takes 2-3 head-shots from 4ft away, which is ridiculously bad. Decent story though.
More realistic and slower paced than some other shooters. The guns also tend to be less accurate than your normal video game for realism, and shooting while you run is nearly impossible. Still, a reasonably fun multi-player FPS.
The graphics are dated about 10 years, and it didn't support my resolution. Gameplay wise it uses lots of quick key combos and has fairly difficult AI - like a 3D Street Fighter II - not my cup of tea, but some may enjoy it.
I'm on the fence about this game - the abilities are interesting, but execution of certain moves like jumping is difficult. I think this would be more fun as a puzzle game without the enemies, since the sluggish movement makes it difficult get away
The controls on this underwater side-scroller are decent, though I wish there was a way to bind songs to a hotkey. A way to quick-save instead of save points within the game would be nice as well.
The story seems okay, but the motion controls are atrocious - there's a reason normal games don't have you move your mouse to turn cranks or use a hammer. It made it very difficult to defend yourself against enemies (and enemies can break down doors)
Nicely drawn point and click - but the puzzles are too obtuse for their own good. The hint button is hidden behind a long minigame with a key that shoots bullets (which the game doesn't mention and the minigame can't be completed without them)
Similar to Flow, but frustrating since you give up part of yourself to move - rather than being able to steer naturally. Later levels are mostly luck - the first 30 seconds determining whether you have any chance of completing the level
A conceptual, relaxing game experience. Enjoyable and easy to play.
The story seems okay, but isn't integrated well. It feels like a relief from hordes of enemies shooting you at close range and eating painkillers (health). The dream sequence levels are the highlight of the game, an example of what it could have been
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October 18, 2011
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