116 reviews
Twitter: GamerSince85
Avg Rating 3.0
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This is a fun but easy Diablo style dungeon crawler. It features quick travel via portals and spells, as well as a pet to sell items while you continue killing. Additionally there is a shared chest to transfer valuable items between characters
A fun take on the Mario franchise, though unlike previous Mario 3D titles you often can't move the camera - which can be extremely annoying. Some levels also make it hard to tell where you can fall off the edge. Life count is reset each time you play
I'm not madly in love with this game, but it's a decent way to pass the time. The puzzles are usually fairly easy, though sometimes it is hard to execute them because of the way the AI makes goo run around the structure
Much easier than the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with better mechanics and a tons of fun with multiple players. Still game over if you die, but not nearly as hard to survive.
A lot of fun, but hard, because you lose your turtles when you die - which means you may have to use a turtle with a worse weapon. Once you lose all the turtles you start from the beginning. Curse that underwater level.
Similar in many respects to Super Mario Bros. 3, this is a fun addition to the Super Mario Bros. series. Yoshi dominates in this version!
Better graphics, raccoon tails, and the random cards at the end of levels made this a pretty cool addition to the Super Mario Bros. series
Weird mechanics unlike any other Mario game, because it was actually based off a totally different Japanese game. That said, I thought the doors, bombs, and blocks were cool additions.
A classic - many hours of fun with one major difference from current games - no save points, even in the Wii Virtual Console version
Not a whole lot to keep it interesting for single player - but this can be fun for a party environment, especially Toy Field.
A fun edition to the NFS series - as always, racing cars and in this case running from the cops. It's a good twist on the franchise, and fun to see how many police and helicopters you can get to pursue you.
All the games in the Metroid Prime 3: Corruption series are much the same, graphics and gameplay wise. Fun and difficult in places - definitely not geared toward younger children
I picked this up cheap on the off chance it might be fun - but there really wasn't anything to make it special or interesting, and the graphics were fairly dismal.
Fun game, excellent graphics and gameplay. The only flaw is a long run back to a difficult boss - which makes it tedious to retry if you're having problems beating him.
The same gameplay as Super Smash Bros. Melee for multi-player - but the single-player campaign is far superior in this game.
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