There is both a major pro and a major con for this game. The pro is that it is the genre defining MMORPG. The con is that it is a MMORPG. The game has gotten worse since it's original release, but it's still the go-to MMORPG to play.

Returns many gameplay elements lost in XII, and has the best musical score since X. Story suffers heavily, and many believe the linearity of the game kills any immersed feeling or replay value.

My favorite battle system of the series. Story suffers in areas, and not much replay value. Musical score is underwhelming compared to the older games.

Many believe this to be the greatest game ever. Arguably the best of the series, with easily the best musical score and revolutionary changes in the battle system and graphics. A classic, must-play RPG.

Final Fantasy III on the SNES in the USA. A weaker game than IV and the last of the classic 2D FF games, but still very good with a strong musical score and likable cast.

My favorite RPG ever. The battle system is unique and in my opinion the best made of any RPG. Amazing music, great story, and a lot of replay value.

I will include both the SNES and DS games in this review. The first game to introduce the elements that stuck with the series even today. Brilliant musical score, excellent story, and a wonderful battle system. One of the best of the SNES and DS.

Brilliant RPG, one of Squaresoft and Nintendo's best games. An unforgettable classic.

The Wolf parts seem unnecessary. Some of the bosses are almost too easy, and the overworld feels much smaller than it actually is. Great music, nice graphics, maybe the best Link in the series.

There is weakness in the sometimes mundane exploration, but otherwise a fantastic game with easily the best bosses of the series.

A branch off from the traditional Zelda gameplay, they tried to make this into an action RPG. It didn't work. Bad fighting methods, bad overworld, near non existant story.

Near flawless, easily the best looking 2d game on the SNES, one of the best games ever made. A must play in the action adventure genre.

Arguably the best game ever made as reviewed by countless sources. The penultimate Zelda experience.

Is anything these guys put out not great? Amazing animation and art direction as always. A classic, just like all of Dreamworks films.

Good. Genuinely funny, something lacking in many comedy movies recently. Downey Jr. is excellent.
© 2009-2025 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
Youtube videos can be attached to reviews now. This should be particularly useful for video game reviews.
October 21, 2011
PSN accounts can be added via the settings page, same as Steam accounts. Browse page updated, reviewed or listed films have purple stars.
October 18, 2011
Search speed should be much faster now