Animated. People will rave about this being "deep and psychological" and call it a show for intellectuals.. It's not really that deep, and once you get past that it's not very good, either. Average apocalypse show with Christian themes.

Season 1: ***** (5 stars) Everything since then is mediocre, with flashes of excellence. Not many shows that can single-handedly turn a ragtag group of actors into international superstars.

The greatest movie of all ti--- I can't even joke about something like this. This movie is an abomination. I was inspired by "That Guy With The Glasses" to put this one up on here. This is probably the worst movie of all time. Period.

This is the soundtrack of an anime series, but it stands alone as a fantastic techno album. Excellent composing work.

I had to write this, it needs to be on this site. There is only one reason this is four stars. You can not under any circumstances take this show seriously. Just take it as a parody of what human life should be, and you'll find it hilarious.

I hate horror movies, but I found this one enjoyable. I found that it isn't the type of movie to leave you scared, but it does give you a thrilling experience.

First good vampire movie in a decade or more, probably. Has a great twist, and a decent plot. Eric Dafoe is excellent.

Burly manly men with sprayed on pecs do manly things Great action flick, has a decent plot and lots of blood. Nice faked european accents.

There's a battle near the end that has incredible CGI work. It's a snoozer for a good deal of the beginning of the movie, though. Might be a little too long.

I actually think someone might enjoy this more if they watched The Dark Knight first.. Not as good as the sequel but still much better than the majority of super hero movies, tells the Batman story in a very dark, grim way.

Sweet, we get even more sprayed on muscles. Worse acting than the first, the already shallow plot is rendered nonexistant. They attempted to incorporate better action scenes and simply failed. Terrible CGI work, as well.

Omg, like, Edward is so hott. Reviewing this because having it on the site might add some traffic. Dense, shallow plot with melodramatic acting and very underwhelming action scenes, of which there are very few to begin with.

An anime, japanese animation. Regardless, one of my favorite all time shows in all aspects. Comedy, action, plot, drama. A masterpiece of the 90s, with a fantastic english voice cast to accentuate what is already near perfection.

The best comedy of 2009, in my opinion. Consistently funny all the way through, with lots of obscure ways to make you laugh. Unnecessarily vulgar, keeps it from the perfect 5.

Half a point for suspense in waiting for Horatio's one liners, as well as in which method he will put on his iconic sunglasses. Otherwise, decent show. Original CSI is better.
© 2009-2025 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
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October 21, 2011
PSN accounts can be added via the settings page, same as Steam accounts. Browse page updated, reviewed or listed films have purple stars.
October 18, 2011
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