12 reviews
Twitter: Zerxer
Avg Rating 4.0
Pretty good movie. Came out the same time as The Prestige and is also about magicians, but was more low budget. Also had a surprise ending, but the way they showed it to you was so fast and dull; I nearly missed the explanations.
Very good album from a talented new band from England. Definitely worth giving them a listen. Here's hoping the quality remains the same, or goes up, when they get around to releasing another album.
I actually like Bale's Batman, so this gets the full 5 stars from me. Ledger's Joker is exactly how Joker should be, very powerful performance. A shame that we won't be able to see him again in any sequels. Two-Face made for a great side villain.
Like just about all of Pixar's movies, nearly a masterpiece for its time. Good fun for all the entire family. Pixar shows you don't need dialogue to keep a kid's attention.
Entertaining movie. Zombies and humor just go together so well. Had a couple of rather gruesome moments that will make some decide not to even bother going past the first 20 minutes, but the rest of the movie isn't all like that.
I really enjoyed this movie. However, it makes you want to cheer for the "bad guy" so the ending is a letdown. Great action thriller though, definitely worth seeing at least once. Gerard Butler is excellent.
One of the only reality TV shows I actually watch; every season in fact. Check it out if you want to see Gordon Ramsay belittle the contestants.
Excellent starter album from a talented band. The lead singer may be a bit full of himself, but the music is pretty good, and this is a great album for any new Killers listeners to start with. If you enjoy "indie rock", it's definitely worth a listen
Pretty much my favorite TV show ever. Unlike most series, I didn't feel it got moderately worse over time. The acting by the main cast is pretty spot on and the humor is usually clever. The series at least knew when to end before it got overly stale.
A rather underrated movie, I never even saw it advertised anywhere. A friend recommended it to me and I enjoyed it so much I watched it 5 more times that week. Christian Bale gives a great performance. Must see for any sci-fi/action fan.
Incredible movie, one of my favorites. Great performances by an a-list cast of Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, and Michael Caine. Most will get a tad lost the first watch with the timeline shifts but the end makes it all worth it. Based on magicians.
Very enjoyable movie that just got better as it went on. Packed with comedy, drama, intelligence, and plenty of twists, it is worth seeing at least once. Matt Damon gave a great performance, even if it wasn't action packed a la the Bourne trilogy.
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