The Twilight Saga: New Moon
In this sequel to Twilight directed by Chris Weitz (American Pie), Forks, Wash., resident Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) is reeling from the departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), and finds comfort in her friendship with Jacob Black, a werewolf (Taylor Lautner). But before she knows it, she's thrust into a centuries-old conflict, and her desire to be with Edward at any cost leads her to take greater and greater risks.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Stars a girl who has no ability whatsoever to make decisions for herself, and her monotonic paramour. Haven't been this annoyed by a movie in a while.
Sweet, we get even more sprayed on muscles. Worse acting than the first, the already shallow plot is rendered nonexistant. They attempted to incorporate better action scenes and simply failed. Terrible CGI work, as well.
© 2009-2024 Anthony Stahler
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