Home > TV/Movies > Secretariat
When Penny Chenery (Diane Lane) agrees to take over her ailing father's thoroughbred stable, she transforms from housewife to horse breeder -- and owner of the colt that will take the 1973 Triple Crown -- in this dramatic biopic. The film explores Chenery's bond with "Big Red" and depicts her rise to greatness as the "first lady of racing." John Malkovich plays trainer Lucien Laurin, and Fred Dalton Thompson co-stars as big-shot breeder Bull Hancock.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Biography, Drama, Sports
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I'm normally not a big fan of this type of film - but Diane Lane and John Malkovich made it thoroughly enjoyable. The rest of the cast was very good as well.
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Saw it twice and loved it even more the second time. Even when you know the outcome, the movie is thrilling. Malkovich, Ellis and Martindale shine in brilliant supporting roles, and both Lane and the horse give perfectly mesmerizing performances.
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