Home > TV/Movies > Burlesque
After leaving Iowa with stars in her eyes, Ali (Christina Aguilera) arrives in Los Angeles and at a burlesque lounge, where she dreams of taking the stage with her soaring voice. Club owner Tess (Cher) is about to lose the place and thinks Ali may help business. Meanwhile, Ali's roommate (Cam Gigandet) starts to fall for her in this snappy, Golden Globe-nominated comedy co-starring Stanley Tucci as Tess's sidekick and Kristen Bell as Ali's rival.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Drama, Musical
I can't fault the music, it was decent - and the club setting was neat. The poor bartender boy-toy wasn't great though, and Kristen Bell was fairly bad, as usual. They should have gone a less cliche direction with Christina Aguilera's character story
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