Home > TV/Movies > Breakout Kings
Breakout Kings
In this A&E drama from the creators of "Prison Break," U.S. Marshals Charlie Duchamp (Laz Alonso) and Ray Zancanelli (Domenick Lombardozzi) are employing a new tactic to catch criminals on the run: They're working with a trio of former fugitives who already know all the tricks. Their new colleagues include a reformed gang-banger (Malcolm Goodwin), a slinky burglar and an ex-child prodigy (Jimmi Simpson) who's good at predicting criminal behavior.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Brooke Nevin and Jimmi Simpson are great, but replacing Nicole Steinwedell with Serinda Swan after one episode was a mistake as well as an odd script choice. The cast is slowly getting better each episode.
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