Home > TV/Movies > Assassins
Veteran hit man Robert Rath (Sylvester Stallone) is looking to get out of the business when he meets young, eager competitor Miguel Bain (Antonio Banderas), who has Rath at the top of his "to do" list. Rath takes one last job, but complications ensue when he falls in love with his mark, the beguiling Electra (Julianne Moore). Bain sets out to murder Rath and Electra, and the hit leads the assassins on a deadly chase from Seattle to Puerto Rico.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Action, Adventure, Thriller
An entertaining hitman movie. Antonio Banderas is particularly good, and the rest of the cast is solid. The plot is unnecessarily ridiculous in a couple areas purely for drama - like Julianne Moore running off to party - but the rest is good.
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