Home > TV/Movies > Lexx
Former security guard Stan (Brian Downey), assassin Kai (Michael McManus), sex slave Xev of planet B3K (Xenia Seeberg) and perverted robot 790 (Jeffrey Hirschfield) flee from His Divine Shadow and the evil Divine Order after taking control of Lexx, a powerful spaceship that can effortlessly blow up entire planets. Manhattan-sized Lexx takes the mismatched crew through frenzied and aggressive universes, often leading to danger.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, TV
This bizarre, campy tv series starts off with a bewildering barrage of characters before it really hits its groove. Kai, the undead warrior, Stanley the craven pilot and Xev the quasi sex slave (along with her pet robot head) make up the odd cast.
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