Upon rousing themselves from hyper-sleep, Payton (Dennis Quaid) and Bower (Ben Foster), a pair of crewmen assigned to work on a spacecraft, discover startling gaps in their collective memory -- including who they are and what, exactly, their mission was in the first place. The plot thickens when they realize they're not the only ones on board the ship. Cam Gigandet co-stars in this gripping sci-fi thriller.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Loved this movie, I agree it took a bit to get started but, when it did, it really did. Great acting, good camera work.
I enjoyed this film more than many. It was somewhat in the spirit of Event Horizon and almost well done. Like with so many films like this though, as the story developed (or didn't develop) the film slowly faded away. Could have been much better!
Took about 20 minutes to get going, but it ended up being an interesting story.
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