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The Informant!
While gathering evidence against his employer, ADM in Decatur, Ill., to help the FBI build a price-fixing conspiracy case, wealthy, affable executive Mark Whitacre (Matt Damon, in a Golden Globe-nominated role) begins to piece together a fantasy world of his own. Based on Kurt Eichenwald's acclaimed nonfiction book about a true-life Corporate America whistle-blower, Steven Soderbergh's dark comedy co-stars Scott Bakula, Joel McHale and Melanie Lynskey.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Biography, Book, Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Hysterical movie surrounding the inner workings and supposed price-fixing conspiracies in the global corn industry. Matt Damon perfectly plays the role of an awkward and confused manipulator, who you really can't figure out until it's too late.
Very enjoyable movie that just got better as it went on. Packed with comedy, drama, intelligence, and plenty of twists, it is worth seeing at least once. Matt Damon gave a great performance, even if it wasn't action packed a la the Bourne trilogy.
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