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The Tourist
Watery, enchanted Venice provides the setting for this thriller starring Johnny Depp as an American tourist seeking solace there for his shattered heart -- only to find it in danger once again after encountering a beautiful Interpol agent (Angelina Jolie). Little does the poor Yank know that the artful agent has gone to great lengths to arrange their "chance" meeting and is using him to trap a criminal who also happens to be her ex-lover.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
An exceptionally average film - Depp and Jolie weren't at their best, and the plot twist is so obvious that I knew how it ended after watching a trailer. That doesn't mean it's a bad film, just not particularly great in any way.
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Reminiscent of the old classics like Charade. Plot not particularly clever, ending predictable, but offering major actors beautifully filmed, stunning cinematography of Venice and enjoyable escapism.
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