Tin Man
In this Emmy-nominated miniseries based on the classic story by L. Frank Baum, small-town waitress DG (Zooey Deschanel) is pulled into a surreal world, where she teams up with a trio of misfits, battles an evil sorceress and comes face to face with her destiny. Aided by Cain (Neal McDonough), Glitch (Alan Cumming), Raw and the Mystic Man (Richard Dreyfuss), DG uncovers a link between her past and the Outer Zone's wicked ruler, Azkadellia (Kathleen Robertson).
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Adventure, Book, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, TV
Very creative reimagining of the classic Oz story. First part is a bit slow, but becomes more interesting as the plot unfolds and characters are fleshed out. A bit theatrical in spots, but good overall. Some inconsistent acting, but some quite good.
Not as good as Alice, but still pretty cool for a TV mini-series. Some of the cast is great, others are mediocre. Zooey Deschanel was perfect for this role, and unintentionally hilarious in parts.
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