This is the best Mario Kart game of them all, with great track design, but it suffers from the usual flaw: overpowered weapons and too much auto-balancing.
Classic for a reason. I still play this from time to time. I still haven't gotten past World 6, though :-\. (Update: Woot, I beat the game, and with no use of warp pipes! I ducked right under Bowser with only a single life left. So satisfying.)
Strongest of the three quite solid Prime games. Good balance between action and puzzles, very strong graphics. Wiimote aiming is great. Samus's ship is neat!
Weakest game of the trilogy. Liked the hopping between dark and light worlds. Disliked the fetch-questing and balance issues, and relatively small maps.
A sprawling first-person adventure, with fun bosses and exploration. Highly catchy sound-track. Made the wait since Super Metroid worth it.
Fun but shallow. Playing with the vacuum is entertaining, but ultimately the game isn't really strong enough to be worth a full playthrough.
The GameCube remake was genuinely scary. Having to conserve ammo and saves puts you excitingly on edge continuously. Hunters: creepy. Controls: awkward.
Established the modern 3D action game, eventually giving us God of War, Ninja Gaiden, etc. Fun, stylish, quick-paced. But, navigation troublesome.
Disappointingly similar to the GameCube original, minus even the NES games. Nice aesthetic, but gameplay is like RPG grinding mixed with a poor man's The Sims.
Enjoyable look and sound, but no depth whatsoever. Would've been okay as a virtual chatroom game, but as it is it runs out of fun very quickly.
Accomplishes a lot with a small technical toolbox. Solid gameplay for all four regular vehicle types, varied challenges. Copter missions fun, but cheap deaths.
Best simulation-type game I've ever played on a console. Fantastically detailed islands to explore, lots of challenges and hidden goodies, great controls.
The best game in the series yet. Engaging action gameplay, moderate challenge. Landmaster levels especially fun. All-Range mode somewhat less successful.
The game that got me into gaming. Technically very impressive; pushes the SNES well past its limits. Challenging bosses, catchy tunes, solid controls.
The 3D gameplay blew my mind the first time I played it. Surprisingly, it continues to hold up well years later. Good solid Nintendo design at work.
© 2009-2024 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
Youtube videos can be attached to reviews now. This should be particularly useful for video game reviews.
October 21, 2011
PSN accounts can be added via the settings page, same as Steam accounts. Browse page updated, reviewed or listed films have purple stars.
October 18, 2011
Search speed should be much faster now