It's certainly an important game, but it feels unpolished even for GTA, and lacks the off-the-wall fun factor that made Vice City so addictive. No tanks = sad.
Has the usual GTA problems of trying to do everything at once. Some missions very frustrating. Still, quite a lot of fun if you stop taking it at all seriously.
Huge scope, but with all the usual GTA problems exacerbated. Gunfights even worse than before. Nice city design, but terrible missions. Play 4 instead.
They tried to reverse the embarrassment that was the 2nd game, but only half succeeded. No Sands of Time, this. :-\
Strong puzzle-platformer with an intriguing story and a fascinating time-reversing gimmick. Borrows strongly from ICO, but may as well steal from the best, eh?
To a Star Fox fan like me, this game is manna from heaven. Wonderful environment design, very challenging, satisfying gameplay. Ignore the incoherent story.
Great idea to make a versatile run-and-gun shooter like this, but well beyond the scope of the N64's capabilities, both graphically and control-wise.
Wanted to like this for its interesting pencil-drawn style, but the mostly uncompelling story and non-sensical puzzles made it into a chore.
It's a Sonic game featuring zero fast running, but lots of grinding and talking to unimportant villagers. Battle system is a very poor man's Elite Beat Agents.
Fun style with an entertaining 2D vs. 3D mechanic. However, points lost for truly excessive repetition of level layouts. Big props for evil!Luigi, though.
My all-time favorite movie. Every shot throughout is masterful. Every joke just subtle enough (yet just corny enough) to deliver. Great music without exception. Jaw-dropping car chase at the end. "No ma'am, we're musicians."
Deep and multi-layered, yet exciting and quick-paced. Interesting intersection between superhero ideals and politics. Worth multiple reads.
Cleverly written multiple-personality character, interesting soft sci-fi world. Loved it as a kid, holds up reasonably well today.
It may be a "children's story", but it's JRR Tolkein's idea of a children's story: full of detail, layers, and whimsy. My personal favorite Middle Earth book.
Liked the premise at first, but it wore down on me very quickly with its tediousness and unrelenting shallow down moments. Plot holes were silly and abundant. Depressing but not deep.
© 2009-2024 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
Youtube videos can be attached to reviews now. This should be particularly useful for video game reviews.
October 21, 2011
PSN accounts can be added via the settings page, same as Steam accounts. Browse page updated, reviewed or listed films have purple stars.
October 18, 2011
Search speed should be much faster now