I loved the exploration, and the game's commitment to its totally non-commercial design. But in the end, there's not much to do. Modding is where the potential is, but the mods are hard to work with, and the online interface is too primitive.
Very poor game design. The puzzle solutions are non-sensical. The robot controls are finicky and very slow. The hint system is slow and frustrating. And the flash interface causes lots of problems. This is too bad because the visuals are amazing.
Amazingly innovative gameplay that's difficult yet (nearly always) satisfying. Great music and visuals, that show a lot of lush detail and useful state. The writing was meh, but you don't have to pay much attention to it. The "star" puzzle is unfair.
I am so very very tired of sliding tile puzzles. This is the best imaginable presentation of a sliding tile puzzle game, but since the puzzle itself is largely unchanged (except even easier due to interchangeable blocks), I say "meh".
Fun concept, and the game is supported by very well coordinated visuals and music... but unfortunately the game itself is so simple and so dependent on chance starting conditions that it's more of a toy than anything else.
Wonderful style, which is unfortunately dragged down by the curse that plagues all physics-heavy games: extreme fiddliness. Puzzles have to be "solved" by just trying the same thing over and over. I want to see this designer on a better game.
The best team-oriented online FPS, bar none. Cartoon environments meet very intense tactics. Gameplay thoroughly polished to a mirror sheen. Love the differences between the classes, especially the highly unique spy and medic. Great mod community.
Enjoyed it. Was confused by it, but kind of enjoyed that too. The style was purposely dis-jointed, but this book gets away with it a lot more effectively than most other GNs. Liked the awareness it shows of the state of women in comics.
Liked the interactions between the main characters, but the story spends most of its time focusing on a large population of secondary girls with similar designs and little characterization, who are there only to be (highly creepy) fan service.
A very impressive Zelda game: it captures the joy of Link to the Past, but streamlines away some of the rougher bits, and injects more of a sense of humor. Wish it were possible to go back and take missed photos over, though.
A fun puzzle game with no extra fiddly bits in the way; just a girl, some space creatures, and a complex series of phase-shifting rooms to get through. The characters have personality even though they never say a word. Ladders a bit finicky, tho.
All the adorable little graphics of evil gap-jawed aliens were great. Many many different things to upgrade and try out. However, the core tower defense thing was pretty ordinary, and the game is way too unforgiving of money mismanagement.
I wanted to love this game for its neat gameplay and fun aesthetic, but the utterly terrible user interface and loading times made it tough. Too many flashing lights in the way during combat. Lots and lots of text that add nothing to the game.
Novel mechanics and a really fun overall aesthetic are dampened somewhat by a Mario-Party-esque level of random unfairness. Really enjoyed approaching each level as its own little puzzle, but it was a downer when it didn't matter much in the end.
Generic and predictable, didn't do anything I wasn't expecting from a mile away the moment I saw what genre it was. The map system is pretty bad. The many tiny little graphical touches were nice, but there's only so many barrels you can blow up...
© 2009-2024 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
Youtube videos can be attached to reviews now. This should be particularly useful for video game reviews.
October 21, 2011
PSN accounts can be added via the settings page, same as Steam accounts. Browse page updated, reviewed or listed films have purple stars.
October 18, 2011
Search speed should be much faster now