A violent, dark movie. The beginning is slow but interesting. After that it is plain and straightforward though.
Click here to view 2 more recent reviews by Unfair
The story seems okay, but isn't integrated well. It feels like a relief from hordes of enemies shooting you at close range and eating painkillers (health). The dream sequence levels are the highlight of the game, an example of what it could have been
A mess. An okay story but some of the dialog is terrible, as are a couple of the actresses. Kevin Smith and Michelle Ryan are good, but they have small parts. Watchable if you can fast forward 30 minutes of filler scenes scattered through the film.
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Easy to read but awash with useful ideas drawn from sociological studies to help us live our everyday lives more effectively. Many findings are counterintuitive or expose long-held beliefs as myths--what really works in life and what doesn't.
Click here to view 3 more recent reviews by FreeAtLast
Alright, Devilishly Handsome and Just Different comparing to "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"
This is a fun but easy Diablo style dungeon crawler. It features quick travel via portals and spells, as well as a pet to sell items while you continue killing. Additionally there is a shared chest to transfer valuable items between characters
The fact that this movie is based of true events is what makes it so good. I just seen the real guy of this movie in the news the other day.
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It's hard to say this movie has a solid plot - it seems more like a character film. This leaves it feeling out of place when the film tries to deliver a plot twist. It's filmed and acted well, but motorcycle racing scenes seem totally out of place
Love this movie--am a huge fan of well-made espionage flicks. Hackman (one of my all-time favorite actors) delivers perfectly as always, and Smith delivers a solid,very likable, believable performance. Well done throughout.
Click here to view 2 more recent reviews by FreeAtLast
One of the most uninteresting sci-fi films I've ever seen. A few cool concepts like immunity that could have made good twists were misused, and invincible aliens vs helpless humans ruins any suspense. The planes vs aliens were the only cool scenes.
Click here to view 5 more recent reviews by Unfair
There's hardly a plot; cast is boring and script features dumb dialogue and scenes. At the very least, the action can be enjoyable at times.
This movie doesn't totally wow you, but you also don't feel ripped off after seeing it. It delivered solidly (albeit with a predictable plot) with a mixture of sorrow and comedy--which made it feel like real life. Both stars were fun to watch.
Passable, but the beginning is exceptionally melodramatic, and there seems to be a lot of overacting and exaggerated tension. Survivors and the 28 Days Later series are much better alternatives.
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It says a lot when Michael Cera, Seth Rogen, Judd Apatow, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and many others are able to become mainstream stars. While they all had careers before this movie, this introduced a new generation socially identifiable actors.
Click here to view 8 more recent reviews by a j
Billed as a comedy, but it felt more like a drama about what makes a family - with funny moments interspersed. The entire cast was pretty solid - a decent film.
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