Great album, it gets bad reviwes because of people who dislike her, but don't actually listen to the music. You have to take into account it's written by an 18 year old girl who sings about love

In an attempt to shock the music buying public into recognizing they still exist, Buckcherry has dropped a new EP F**k. Every song contains the word f**k in the title, unfortunately five of the six songs stink and the other song is reworked cover.

For a "realistic" sci-fi film they had a weak grasp of physics and pandered to 3D. Sandra Bullock failed to carry the role, and the director had the artistic subtlety of a sledgehammer. I wish George Clooney was the lead, at least he was engaging.

A modern adaptation of Les Liaisons dangereuses, this film became one of the defining teen movies of the 90's and early 2000's. Though imperfect, it is a legitimately dark film worthy of a watch.
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Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg have fantastic chemistry, and the supporting cast of this action flick is pretty great too. They even managed to throw a bit of humor in without making it seem out of place - an all-around good film.
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As a society we are enamored with celebrity, following their every move. Antiviral is the chilling first film from director Brandon Cronenberg, that takes celebrity worship to a whole new, disgusting level.

best film i've ever watched, absolutley amazing, i would strongly advise you to watch this film, amazing how it was made, but could be quite scary for a youngster. The characters were outstanding.

totes a good sci-fi movie with some philosophy and stuff. worth the watch.
© 2009-2025 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
Youtube videos can be attached to reviews now. This should be particularly useful for video game reviews.
October 21, 2011
PSN accounts can be added via the settings page, same as Steam accounts. Browse page updated, reviewed or listed films have purple stars.
October 18, 2011
Search speed should be much faster now