Extremely slow compared to the original Urban Legend. The cast is decent but that doesn't save the film. Too slow to be a horror, not engaging enough to be a thriller.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair

Up there with the original Picross DS in difficulty and longevity. Very cool new mechanic, solid interface. The little 3D animations unlocked after each puzzle are quite charming. The music is teeth-grindingly annoying, but luckily easy to turn off.

Amanda Righetti is by far the best part of this film. The script is hilariously bad in a TV movie way - but I still liked it for some reason.
Click here to view 4 more recent reviews by Unfair

A time loop mystery movie with plenty of intrigue and an extremely human element. Jake Gyllenhaal is great in his role, while the supporting cast doesn't get in the way. Some holes exist in the story, but the plot is brisk enough to overcome them.

I didn't think I'd enjoy this show, but turns out I was completely wrong. I was looking for something to tide me over after White Collar, and I discovered I love this more. If you're a fan of con artists / sting shows, this is up your alley.

Cloverfield with ghosts instead of a monster. I can't believe they thought suspense film technique would translate well into a TV series. Luckily it has a good cast, because without them the show would have nothing going for it.

Entertaining with an evolving storyline. The benefit to having short seasons really helps keep viewers engaged with content-packed episodes throughout.

Occasionally there's some hilarious banter amongst the team, but overall this show is a bit of a hyper mess. The characters seem a bit two-dimensional, and the the cross-dressing ten-year-old son/grandfather don't fit or add anything to the show.

Excellent baseball drama that resonates with fans (me) and non-fans (my wife) alike. We spent 20 minutes on Wikipedia after the movie learning more about Billy Beane and the A's once it was done - a sign of a great flick.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by SystemicBabble

Slow but solid gameplay, though there are some major balance/difficulty issues - and to counteract those you need to grind quite a bit. The graphics are similar to a space RTS, though you have far less units than a normal RTS.

More biography and less Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas than I was expecting - but still interesting. Giovanni Ribisi has a small part but is excellent and of course Amber Heard looks stunning.
Click here to view 4 more recent reviews by Unfair

I really wanted to like this game; it has an interesting setting and not-bad graphics, and the voice acting is decent. But the constant barrage of interrupting cutscenes, cliched characterizations, unreliable controls, and trite gameplay killed it.

The acting and CGI aren't the best, but this Canadian-made drama about an Alaskan airline isn't half bad. There are a couple recognizable Sanctuary cast members. The characters make the plot engaging even though it isn't mind-blowingly creative.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair

An excellent addition to the series, although with a slightly less stellar plot than it's predecessor. Improved combat - both gunplay and fisticuffs - and always awesome platforming. Amazing artwork, locales, and characters.

Topher Grace was weak emotionally, but the plot was solid and interesting. A bit different than the normal thriller pace. Richard Gere and Odette Annable were good in their roles.
© 2009-2025 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
Youtube videos can be attached to reviews now. This should be particularly useful for video game reviews.
October 21, 2011
PSN accounts can be added via the settings page, same as Steam accounts. Browse page updated, reviewed or listed films have purple stars.
October 18, 2011
Search speed should be much faster now