A reasonably fun top-down shooter with a sci-fi storyline. The NPCs occasionally block your movement during combat - luckily they don't seem to take team damage. The flashlight also runs out of batteries slowly, which pulls you out of the game a bit.
Meh. Cusack was really good but the effects looked bad and the family storylines were cheesy.
Click here to view 4 more recent reviews by Flippant34
The beginning is excellent, building up the suspense - and the acting is good. Unfortunately at a certain point it goes down the rabbit hole and never comes back. Without a good conclusion the rest of the film is meaningless.
Click here to view 3 more recent reviews by Unfair
Expected little since the critics panned this movie, but ended up being pleasantly surprised. Wilson was a stand out, Rudd was better than usual, and Witherspoon is always interesting to watch. Not bad!
Nonsensical story: Magneto wants to kill Shaw, yet in the first few minutes he had a chance to kill him and instead chose to kill everyone except Shaw. Ridiculous. Magneto also inexplicably gets the power to levitate non-metal items in the end
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair
Too slow, too unbelievable. Watched until the end hoping things would improve, but ultimately found it unsatisfying as a whole. Blythe Danner's acting was the only bright spot for me.
Click here to view 3 more recent reviews by FreeAtLast
Resort provides all the fun exploration and challenging missions expected from a Pilotwings game, but felt unfinished. Really needed more than one island and a true free-flight mode. Also, the plane physics were far too forgiving and simple.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by dsimon
A rare comedy that manages to be funny yet not superficial. All the actors play their parts well. Teresa Palmer did an exceptionally good job playing the popular girl in a non-cliche way.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair
Cooper and cast did a fairly nice job with this film. Absorbing plot line kept me interested--the perfect mix of possibility and impossibility.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by FreeAtLast
Clearly made for TV, this two-part mini-series is incredibly campy but somewhat fun. It takes you on a wild ride - but is marred by each part ending with bad CGI of supernatural creatures instead of more realistic Indiana Jones traps.
Click here to view 8 more recent reviews by Unfair
A cross section of Sagan's ideas and ideals, from his optimism and wonder at the universe to his concern about humanity's future. Well written in his enthusiastic style, though each essay seems rather disconnected from its neighbours.
Click here to view 2 more recent reviews by dsimon
Everything about Nickelback sucks. I, in all honesty, can not think of one positive thing to say about this band. This is as simple as music gets.
Click here to view 2 more recent reviews by Rew
Not as fanciful or compelling as the previous films, and it's missing something without Keira Knightley. They also gave Blackbeard some lame supernatural talents. Even though the Spanish part sucked, the ending was good/amusing.
Click here to view 6 more recent reviews by Unfair
This was a romantic comedy that provided a perspective a little closer to home for a lot of people and my wife and I really enjoyed it from beginning to end. A little overacted at times but, all in all, a good movie.
The Marvel trend continues and does not disappoint. Newcomer Hemsworth plays a worthy Thor. Kat Dennings is refreshing as a sexy comic relief. Portman is her usual sweet waif. Idris Elba as himself. A tough story for screen, the directors do it well.
© 2009-2025 Anthony Stahler
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October 18, 2011
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