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District 9
When aliens land on Earth, global business conglomerate Multi-National United forces them into rigid containment zones where they are compelled to labor, even as MNU commandeers their otherworldly technology for profit. As tensions build between human and non-human races, a rogue agent leads a resistance movement against MNU's ruthless consolidation of power. Neill Blomkamp directs this cinema verité-style sci-fi thriller.
Synopsis compliments of Netflix
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Very good science fiction by movie standards, and very watchable. Sympathetic but not overly-cutesy aliens. The Nigerians were portrayed in a messed up way tho.
amazing central performance and awesome effects. great movie overall!
The plot was good but it bored me to death heh
I had a fun time watching this movie. It was very different from previous alien movies ive seen. good plot, good acting all around good times.
This movie wasnt what i thought it was going to be, but it did turn out to be good in my opinion atleast i can say id watch it again.
I didn't like this since every human in it is terrible. Good violent scenes though!
Half of the movie could have been cut without any change to the story. The only exceptional aspect of this movie is that you despise every single human character and most of the aliens by the end of the film.
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