Meh, plot full of holes, lots of annoying shaky-cam, only main female character shoved in fridge. Pretty good acting, but the story didn't deserve it.
Utterly silly, but that's pretty much the point with John Woo flicks. Still pretty entertaining. However, Nick Cage as annoying as he usually is.
Quite enjoyable. The sappiest movie I've seen since Forrest Gump, but like that movie it was effective at what it did. I certainly was tearing up by the end...
Good zombie flick of the "fast zombie" family. The last 30 minutes are so different they're almost like a different film, but still the movie works as a whole.
Pretty darn enjoyable, even though I'm not a big fan of TOS. Uhura and young Spock were especially awesome.
An important movie, and also luckily a good one! Lots of memorable scenes, music. I liked how the Force was more mysterious here than in V and VI.
Really disappointing. Anakin's actor was terrible. Plot was overcomplicated yet uninteresting. Pod race was the only cool part.
What a neat little movie, and especially great for my geeky self who dreamed of such things. Villians were a little overwrought, tho. I want that arcade game!
Very nice, Alice-in-Wonderland-ish story. Found the overall story kind of unmemorable, but that's fine; the spectacle of it was what really carried it.
I liked it, but not a whole lot. Honestly, Adams is great, but we've heard this story a trillion times; I kind of wish they had strayed *more* from the source.
This movie is one of the best episodes of the movie-sized TV show. The "effects" were neat, yet still appropriately cheesy. Subject movie was one of the best.
Awful awful disappointment after the highly fun first movie. Just made every mis-step possible, aping the original but not getting any of its charm.
Very fun movie! I especially loved the testing scenes, and the initial walk into the MiB office. This one's worth a few watchthroughs.
Really disappointing. For some reason I was expecting this movie to pick up Reloaded's many dangling plot threads. Boy, did that ever not happen.
Out of all three LoTR movies, this is the one I liked the most (and the one I remembered more than a few minutes of!) Still on the over-long side.
© 2009-2024 Anthony Stahler
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October 21, 2011
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October 18, 2011
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