What can I say, this is a classic for a reason. Playing on the computer, I did kind of miss Dr. Wright from the SNES version.
Click here to view 5 more recent reviews by dsimon

The writing starts out terse and uninspired, but the story eventually draws you in. The main character is bland and unlikable. Conversely Rue, the minor secondary character, is fantastically written and brings genuine emotion and life to the story.
Click here to view 4 more recent reviews by Unfair

Obviously based on a play, since everything happens in just a couple of different locations. However, it's a *good* play, and a good adapation of it.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by dsimon

Paced as a thriller, but there isn't much compelling or even creepy about Keanu Reeves as a serial killer. Mainly linear, it lacks the tension necessary for good suspense.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair

A solid, challenging member of the Mario family, uses 3D very successfully for both aesthetics and game-play. Shows a lot of influence from both Galaxy and NSMB, combining some of the best of both. My only beef: the tag mode stuff is just tacked on.
Click here to view 2 more recent reviews by dsimon

Not a bad little film. Major talent in Martin, Wilson and Black--with a fairly good script which thankfully lacks the ridiculous silliness you might fear in this type of movie.

Charlize Theron's character is so ridiculous, yet she pulls it off believably - and the film wraps up in an unusually non-judgemental way that feels satisfying rather than trite or preachy. Not hilarious, but amusingly well done.

A simple yet memorable indie first person adventure. Despite being incredibly short, this little gem has been eating my brain since I played it. A fantastic 15 minutes of (free!) fun.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by SystemicBabble

Katherine Heigl pulls off a good down-and-out store clerk turned novice bounty hunter. The overall acting is decent, and although the plot isn't anything special it's watchable.

An excellent platformer where the 3D actually improves the experience. The first 8 worlds are far too easy, however the difficulty ramps up in the 8 special worlds, although never quite reaching the level of the classic games. A must play for fans.

The individual protagonists were interesting, but the overall plot was just one giant cliche, along with the (evil, but unconvincingly so) villain. I enjoyed more the subplot with Lisbeth's revenge on the rapist, but it concluded early.

I didn't realize this would be all in old Shakespearean English - which totally detracts from the film. It's the equivalent of broken English dialogue now, even though it wasn't when written. Disappointing.
Click here to view 2 more recent reviews by Unfair

Surprisingly, a somewhat ridiculous premise works due to the charisma of both Messing and Mulroney and the chemistry between them. Cute.
Click here to view 4 more recent reviews by FreeAtLast

The conclusion is a bit blase, but overall it has a The Bourne Supremacy feel, and both Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds were good. I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair

A good, if wholly predictable, family movie. Having swam with dolphins in the past, I can't help but be in awe of the creatures. My wife cried at parts, which is the mark of a good movie for her.
© 2009-2025 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
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October 21, 2011
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October 18, 2011
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