A blatant rip-off of the Phoenix Wright mechanics, this game's puzzles are unfortunately not as well implemented, nor as clever. Also, it is not as funny as the show it came from, though it does have its moments, particularly when Mentok is around.
Click here to view 3 more recent reviews by dsimon
Not bad, the acting was okay and the plot was passable - but expected. The ending reveal in particular was completely uninteresting. Exam is a much better single room thriller, though not as violent as this.
Keira Knightley portrays a nymphomaniac/masochist in a much too psychotic way and her face only shows pain during the encounters.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Anonymous_248
I spent many years playing this game on the PC. I still play it when I have the time. Thanks to Halo Custom Edition there is always new maps and new stuff to play.
Unsurprisingly some racism and sexism. The plot is fairly pedestrian but the cast and script manage to keep season one interesting. After that, things like the Bobbie Barrett plot seem awkward, and the Draper family drama slowly destroys the charm.
Of of the most emotionally impactful games I've ever played, especially after experiencing the second ending. Though mechanically flawed, Nier is a masterpiece of storytelling, character design, and music.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Andrew
I enjoy action games that have been carefully tweaked and tuned and shined to a polish, as this one clearly has. But frustratingly, even after prolonged practice, the inputs for most combos and moves just won't execute reliably! That ruins it, sadly.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by dsimon
Made-for-TV movie from Redbox--the kind of flick you want to watch when you want non-cerebral entertainment, but with just enough interest to actually be a bit entertaining. Mostly deadpan Lucy Liu finds herself faced with 3 suitors simultaneously.
The three main characters - Lana Parrilla, Jennifer Morrison, and Ginnifer Goodwin - all do a fantastic job with their roles. The script is also well crafted, with good flow between the fairytale and real world.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair
This feels like a console game - smoothed movement, unchangable (close up) third person perspective. The combat is also poor and frustrating - with guns that seem like they were meant to be used with auto-aim. Melee combat is completely useless.
First 2/3 was a good single character film, far better than Cast Away, but the last third didn't mesh at all - it was like something from The Fountain. The interviews and some of the civil war scenes were out of place, and there isn't gravity on ISS
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair
Djimon Hounsou and Kevin Bacon star in this action film about Thai sex trafficking. Ridiculous at nearly every turn, Hounsou's natural charm and Bacon, sporting a hysterical English accent, make this a highly flawed but ultimately fun film.
Never explains the origin of the supposed footage, and the unnecessary film aging effects seem like an attempt to cover up the slower-than-suspense pace. Warren Christie also behaves completely illogically about Lloyd Owen. Watch Moon instead.
© 2009-2025 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
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October 21, 2011
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October 18, 2011
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