Taylor swift may be an icon for teenage girls, but actually some guys do enjoy her music even if they cant relate to it. she also has somewhat of a country style to her, which not many young singers have today so thats why i like her :D
Taylor Swift has been successfully exploiting teenage girls for years now. She has made a career out of writing dumb ass little love songs for middle school kids. This album is crap. Pure, unadulterated crap.
Even the slow songs on this album are done well, and some of the faster tracks are really catchy - Push the Button and Red Dress
Click here to view 2 more recent reviews by FMstars
The writing on this show is some of the driest and awkwardest on television. The songs can be a bit too awkward at times, but more than often they are hilarious. The humor is in a genre of its own.
Click here to view 2 more recent reviews by Rew
Not realistic by any means, voodoo wise, but a trippy and rather entertaining journey.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by Unfair
Similar premise to The Condemned and The Tournament - but slower paced and most of the action is just boringly gratuitous, as is the nudity. The best scenes were just Samuel Jackson in the control room with his women. The open ending was lame.
140 minutes of horrible 10 minutes of sub-par action I went to see this movie because it was free, and because I had no idea what it was about, unfortunately not straw dogs. A writer moves to his wive's home town where the locals terrorize them.sucks
Click here to view 3 more recent reviews by Lemon
Really fun, kind of illogical, very very stylish. Plot not that coherent, but it works nonetheless. Fishburne's character and acting is standout excellent. Incredible, innovative action scenes. Please, please, do NOT watch the sequels.
A challenging turn-based squad tactics game, though sometimes the previews are completely wrong. Sadly, game invites pop up even when you're marked unavailable or playing single-player. You must completely exit a level to adjust resolution or sound.
Very pleasantly surprised by this simple family movie. Carrey can be phenomenal or just plain annoying, but his performance works well here. Wouldn't be the same without the adorable penguins, but was better than I expected.
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by FreeAtLast
Interesting concept, though the story could be far tighter - there is a lot of filler footage. The first episode in particular was poor, but after that it started getting a little better.
Click here to view 6 more recent reviews by Unfair
I'm on the fence about some of the slower songs on the album - but Touches you, Rain, Blame it on the Girls, and We are Golden are great tracks
Click here to view 1 more recent reviews by FMstars
A movie so absurd it becomes hilarious. The cast has an extremely eclectic mix of accents which makes it even more odd.
© 2009-2025 Anthony Stahler
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November 8, 2011
Youtube videos can be attached to reviews now. This should be particularly useful for video game reviews.
October 21, 2011
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October 18, 2011
Search speed should be much faster now